About Newel Data Solutions
NDS is technology company and end to end digital content solutions provider across the globe. We cater to the widespread needs of the leading firms in media and publishing, media monitoring and content distribution.
NDS has the right blend of Human Resources, with “Get-the-Word-Done-First attitude. Our ideal mixture of experienced and young group has a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of the pre-press industry. Precisely for this very reason, we posses the abilities to effectively function and fulfill the contemporary as well as conventional requirements worldwide.
Our teams of qualified professionals ensure the knowledge process of outsourcing beyond any strategic editorial or operational challenges. We believe in automating and fine-tuning processes and platforms continuously to increase customer’s business value.
We are well qualified with various educational backgrounds and by virtue of exposure, posse’s hands-on industry authentic skills and expertise. Whatever your need, conventional or contemporary, you now have a best team of youth to start work with. The team will respond you fast, direct efficiently and effectively fulfill your total needs.
NDS loves to take up more responsibilities and make sure each and every stage of the production is well managed.